Please bring your current insurance card to each visit and please note that copays are due at the time of service. We also ask that you notify our office if your insurance information changes or you have a new address.

As a courtesy to our families, we are pleased to file claims on your behalf. It is important, however, that families understand that financial responsibility ultimately remains with the family. Your insurance policy is a contract between your insurance company and you. Oftentimes to process a claim, insurance companies require additional information from the subscriber. If they do not receive the requested information in a timely manner, they may permanently deny the claim and financial responsibility falls back on the family. You may call our billing company, RPM Medical Billing, at (303) 357-2559 if you have questions or believe you have received a bill in error. Many times the problem can be resolved with a quick phone call, from you, to your insurance company. Working together, we can help you receive the benefits you deserve from your insurance company.

Please bring your current insurance card to each visit and please note that copays are due at the time of service. We also ask that you notify our office if your insurance information changes or you have a new address.

As a courtesy to our families, we are pleased to file claims on your behalf. It is important, however, that families understand that financial responsibility ultimately remains with the family. Your insurance policy is a contract between your insurance company and you. Oftentimes to process a claim, insurance companies require additional information from the subscriber. If they do not receive the requested information in a timely manner, they may permanently deny the claim and financial responsibility falls back on the family. You may call our billing company, RPM Medical Billing, at (720) 484-3117 if you have questions or believe you have received a bill in error. Many times the problem can be resolved with a quick phone call, from you, to your insurance company. Working together, we can help you receive the benefits you deserve from your insurance company.

  • What insurance plans does OnPoint Pediatrics accept?

    We accept most commercial insurance plans and Child Health Plan Plus. We recommend you check with your insurance carrier to verify benefits and coverage.

  • What happens after my claim is submitted to my insurance company?

    After we file an insurance claim on your behalf, you will receive an Explanation of Benefits or EOB from your insurance company in the mail. Please do not discard this document. Review the information carefully for accuracy. If you have questions, please call our billing company or your insurance company. It can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks to receive an EOB from your insurance company. If you do not receive an EOB after 6 weeks, please contact our billing company. There may be a problem with your insurance.

  • Co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles

    Most claims are subject to co-pays, co-insurance, and/or deductibles and these fees are generally the responsibility of the parent or guardian. These fees are determined by your insurance company and the EOB will have an itemized explanation of these fees, along with the amount paid by your insurance company. Please contact your insurance company if you have questions about these fees.

  • Parent/Guardian Financial Responsibility

    We are pleased to assist with the claims process, however payment for service is ultimately the parent’s responsibility. We encourage you to stay involved. Please contact our billing company if you notice a problem. Also, please contact our office if you have new insurance information or a new address.

  • Adding Newborns/Adoptions and Dependent Changes

    Newborn babies and adopted children are generally not automatically added to your insurance policy. Most insurance companies require notification within 30 days from the date of birth or date of adoption. Please note that if you already have dependent coverage prior to the date of birth, or adoption, the insurance company will not automatically add the new dependent to your policy. Failure to notify the insurance company within the time limit specified in your policy could result in a lapse of coverage for your child. Please avoid this costly mistake! We suggest you notify your employer, or insurance company as soon as possible after the addition of a new dependent. You may want to follow up after notifying the appropriate party to verify that your child has been added to your policy.